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The companies/persons listed below have been identified as individuals/entities offering a range of products and/or services which can assist data controllers in ensuring their compliance with the Data Protection Act. The information given is as provided by the said individuals/entities and is intended ONLY to assist interested persons in identifying and contacting them at their own discretion. For additional information about the products or services offered or their qualifications and experience, kindly contact the providers directly.

DISCLAIMER: The list below is not exhaustive and may be updated from time to time. The Office of the Information Commissioner makes no representation or warranty as to the qualification or experience of any of the individuals/entities listed below or as to their fitness to serve the specific needs of any particular person or organization and in no way guarantees the suitability or effectiveness of any products or services offered.

Company Product/Service offered Service Jurisdiction Contact Number Email Address
876 Technology Solutions Ltd Legal, Technical Jamaica, Caribbean 876-622-1349, 876-408-4398
Actuarialist Limited Legal, Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica 876 512 1749
AVLA Business Solutions Technical International, Jamaica +44 7946511965
Bloomfield Digital Inc Legal, Technical Caribbean +1 246 245 2569
Blue Chip Strategies Limited Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica 876-620-2583
Business Intelligence Holdings Legal, Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica (876)-598-2441
Calibra Solutions Limited Legal, Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica +1-868-370-0007, +1-868-221-6831
CyberSyce Technologies Limited Legal, Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica (876) 324-6192, (876) 896-0306
Data Assurance Services Legal, Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica (876)833-2553
Data Privacy & Security Advisors, LLC Legal, Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica +1 (202) 902-1189, +1 (717) 421-7222
Data ProConsulting Ltd Legal, Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica 876-836-1213, 876-665-5671
Design Privacy Legal, Technical Jamaica 876-339-3673, 876-999-5522
DPA Ready by First Responders Technology Limited Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica 876-832-3918
DPO Caribbean Legal, Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica (876) 821-2038, (876) 881-9944
DunnCox Legal Jamaica 876-922-1500
EA Consultancy Sales & Services Limited Legal, Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica (876) 355-9232, (876) 618-9712
Efinti Solutions Limited Legal, Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica 876-562-5805, 876-631-9922
ENWAT Consulting Legal Jamaica 658-202-6386
Ernst & Young Technical Caribbean 876 236 0062
First Cloud Consultants Limited Legal, Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica 876-515-3999, 876-515-3983, 876-515-3984  
First Rock Advisors,LLC Technical Caribbean, International, Jamaica 1 (813) 863-5785
Foga Daley Legal Jamaica (876)-927-4371-5
GuidePoint Consulting Limited Technical Caribbean, Jamaica (876) 973-4309, 1 (813) 863-5785, (876) 549-7051
GuidePoint Consulting Limited Technical Caribbean, Jamaica (876) 973-4309, 1 (813) 863-5785, (876) 549-7051
Hart Muirhead Fatta Legal Jamaica 876-929-9677, 876-374-6601
Hitachi Systems Security Inc. Legal, Technical Caribbean, International (450)430-8166, (868)357-1370
Hollken & Associates Technical Caribbean (876) 486 4535, (876) 399 4815
HR Consultants Joni-Gaye Cawley & Associates Legal Jamaica (876) 452-5177
Hubmark Legal International, Jamaica (876) 5612635
InsightMint Ltd Legal Jamaica 876 570-4601